Projected Auction Dates

Final CO2 allowance auction dates, the auction calendar, and CO2 allowance quantities are published in the Auction Notice for each auction, available on the Auction Materials page.

AuctionAuction DateReserve PriceProjected QuantityAllocation Year1Cost Containment ReserveEmissions Containment Reserve
63March 13, 2024$2.5615,855,839 20248,416,2787,807,029
64June 5, 2024$2.5616,053,1882022, 2023, 202407,807,029
65September 4, 2024$2.5615,943,6082024, 202307,807,029
66December 4, 2024$2.56TBDTBDTBDTBD


States participating in 2024 auctions may auction allowances from previous allocation year set asides as specified in regulations for each state.